Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's encouraging to be an encouragement.

As the body of Christ, we are constantly invited in the word to bear each others burdens, to look out for one another, and even more to put others before ourselves. It is not an easy thing to do when life just seems to point you in the direction of yourself all the time. It's pretty natural to be selfish, especially when "I" am always in need of attention.

One of my heart's desires is to be a support to others however I can. I was very encouraged on Sunday when I received a note from an usher in church that came from a lady who attends a book club that I started in my home a few months ago. Her note was one that truly blessed my heart and gives me the desire to go on being a vessel fit for the Master's use.

In part her note said:"Vickie, I just want to say thank you. Before I met you I was a sometimes Bible reader and now I study my Bible daily. I never thought I could place notes in my bible (My bible is full of notes all over, whatever the Spirit speaks to my heart as I read, so I guess she noticed that). I think I have written a book in my bible. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the book reading club that you started. When I am at your house at the book club, I am at my most peaceful and I do not want to give that up. I want you to stay encouraged in the Lord."

I once had a desire to do things for God, and there was nothing wrong with that, but I thank Him for bringing me to the place where I now allow Him to work through me as He sees fit. What I desire to do for Him may not always be what He wants to do through me. It is satisfying when you see or hear of changes in the life of others because you allowed God to do what He wanted to do through you. This book club was formed because I felt God constantly impressing it on my heart.

Left up to me, I would have left it up to someone else.

Thank you Lord for helping me to be obedient to Your calling.

Whatever you know or believe God has laid on your heart, do it with all your heart.

P.s. I had thoughts recently of stopping the club, God. it appears and as always, had other plans.



Terri Tiffany said...

Let me tell you that you have already been a wonderful encouragement to me!!
I think that was a wonderful note you were given!!

Kelly said...

Hello, Vickie, I just found your blog through Leila's and your comment there which was so good about prayer for your mom.
Thank you for this post about encouragment and laying ourselves down to be obedient to what God wants to do through us. I am really glad you received such a nice note and that your are going to keep the book club going!