Now to Him who is able to keep you without stumbling, slipping or falling, and to present (you)unblemished (blameless and faultless) before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation (with unspeakable, ecstatic delight) Jude 1:24 (AMP)
One of the things I so love and appreciate about God, is that He is not only able but He is willing.
There are people in life who are able; people who are able to meet a need because they have more than you do. People who are able to open a door because they either have the keys or they know of someone who may have keys as well. The one big difference between God and these kind of people is that God is not only able but He is willing.
So many times in the word we see that God is willing for good to happen. He is willing to save us, willing to help us, willing to deliver us and willing to keep us.
An able person doesn't always equal to a willing person. People are able to help, but sometimes have no desire to help. They have in excess but are not willing to share with others who don't have. They have access to open doors and opportunities but are not willing to let others in. The position, status and resources they have at their disposal are in abundance but they are not willing to offer them to others.
Maybe you are one of those persons who are able to help but find yourself unwilling many times. Ask God to give you a willing heart. Ask Him to fill you with compassion, so that when you hear the sound of a need in someone's life, you don't look around for the next person to meet that need, you be the one used of God to meet it.
God's desire is to use each of us to meet one another's need. We have been blessed to be blessings. When we open our bowels of compassion to offer our hands, hearts and ultimately our lives for the good of others, He gets the glory and our lives become very fulfilled. This design is not by accident. God knows that when we allow ourselves to be used of Him, we draw even closer for strength and our relationship with Him blossoms.
Maybe on the other hand, you have some needs in your life, and find yourself surrounded by those who are able but not willing to help. Ask God to free you from any bitterness or resentment and pray that people would respond to His call and yield themselves as instruments of righteousness in His hand.
Let's take some time today and just thank God for His willingness to send us a Savior. We also ask Him to help us to be willing to bless others with what we have.
Father, in the name of Your precious son Jesus, I thank You for not only being able, but willing to save, to meet needs and to keep us. Thank you Lord for making us instruments of righteousness in Your hands. Where our hearts are hard, help us to yield and submit them to You. Where we have already been used by You, help us to yield even more so that we can relieve some of the burdens of others. Thank you, in Jesus name.
Vickie, This was so well written! What a blessing to read it first thing this morning! I love how you balance your points and then it touches me to think about your words. Am I always willing if I am able? I hope so but I know it isn't always true. Thank you!
Hi Vidkie--nice to come across your blog via Lysa's! It's so good to have a Father that wants to bestow good gifts on His children, hey?
God Bless!
Lord, let me be found by YOU, willing.
You are a delight and a true encourager, always blessing us with scripture!
I wanted you to know I especially loved your last comment on my post yesterday! Thank you!
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