Chapter 1 reveals many purposes of the proverbs. A few of them are:
- gaining wisdom and instruction
- instruction for prudent behavior
- prudence to those who are simple
- knowledge and discretion to the young
- increased knowledge for the wise
- guidance for the discerning
Chapter 1:20 tells us that wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square, on top of the wall she cries out. God's common sense is speaking to us. He is not whispering, but calling out loud and clear for His children to seek Him. It is all throughout His word. It is not a secret: the church is called to be the moral mouthpiece in this fallen world. How can we not be conformed to this world? By being transformed in our minds through His word, through His wisdom. He wants His children to be the leaders, He wants His children to be the ones to give insight and offer sound advice.
There is a rebuke to the child of God who continues to drink milk instead of moving on to solid food. He says 'repent'. How long will we continue to go to the ungodly for advice? How long will we continue to run to the self-help books and the wisdom of God is so freely available to those of us who would seek it out?
Repentance is never complete without a follow-up action(2 Cor. 7:10, Acts 26:20). In turning our ears to the call of wisdom, God says 'then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings." He is such a willing God. He is not willing that any of us should perish for lack of a vision. He wants to share confidences with His righteous people (3:32). How can we train our children in the right way, without the wisdom of God? How can we run successful businesses without the wisdom of God? How can we touch lives with our writing unless we seek the wisdom of God? How can we be the help-mates He intended us to be without the wisdom of God?
Unfortunately there is a price to pay for those who refuse to listen to wisdom's call. To those who would disregard her advice and not accept her rebuke, there is no shelter when disaster strikes. When calamity and tragedy overtakes or when distress and trouble overwhelms God will not be found by those who chose not to fear Him.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Be wise, for whoever listens will live in safety and be at ease without fear or harm. (1:33)
The cry of my heart is that we as the people of God would seek Him whole-heartedly. Nothing else matters as much as knowing Him in the most intimate way. Friends, family, jobs, possessions, hobbies, education, all pale in comparison to truly knowing God and then acting upon His word. Having His wisdom adds more meaning to our friends, our family, our education and all that we hold dear.
Lord Your word, Your wisdom is the most valuable thing I could ever have in this world. Don't let me be complacent about knowing the mind of Christ for my very life depend on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Forgive me for every time I went ahead and did it my way. Thank you for the wisdom You so freely offer to me, in Jesus name.
How can we touch lives with our writing unless we seek the wisdom of God?
I love this line as so many of us often forget to include the Lord in our writing endeavors (Me included) but when we do, oh it is so sweet.
YOu are an excellent nonfiction writer.
Great words for election time. May we all be filled with wisdom at the polls.
Vicki--Send me your snail mail address because you won my book! Do you want it signed or left blank--either way is great! Blessings!!!
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