Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people).
Making the very most of the time (buying up each opportunity), because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:15-17 Amp.
These verses are some that I have read often. I've read the book of Ephesians too many times to count and know a lot of them from memory. However, it seems like when reading this morning, these words practically jumped out at me: vague, thoughtless and foolish. Then there's purposefully and worthily and accurately. As I read them I started to think of my life and honestly, it feels like if I am wandering around in the desert or something. I believe I know what God has called me to do. I know He has equipped me but somehow I still can't seem to get things materialize and it feels pretty frustrating.
When I read these verses over and over I see that even though I am serving God with my heart, I can't leave my head out of it. Verse 15 says live wise, be sensible and intelligent, then verse 17 tells me not to be vague, thoughtless or foolish, but to firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is. It is important to look for opportunities because they won't just appear out of nowhere. Looking back I believe that some opportunities came to me, but since they weren't labelled and wrapped up the way I would have liked, I let them pass by.
No wonder the word says be sensible and intelligent. I would also believe alert and sober can be inserted here.
A thoughtless and foolish person is one who doesn't understand what the will of God is. I don't want to be thoughtless or foolish anymore when God's will is available to me. I want to firmly grasp it so the understanding doesn't slip away from me. The Holy Spirit is there 100% to show me God's plan and path for me.
Praying is of the utmost importance, but I need to take physical steps to cooperate with God so that His plans for me will bear fruit.
I am getting up off my knees and putting some feet to my faith.
I think you have been doing that already!
I'm so sorry I haven't been over here in awhile--I have been wrapped up in finishing up my book and have not checked in with so many of my online friends. I hope you are doing well with your schooling--are you on break now?? ANd enjoying the summer:)
Wonderful post Sister.
I was just listening to a teaching on "being sober minded" this morning and the preacher, Ryan Wyatt, was stating that to be sober minded is to capture every thought that isn't from the Lord. Yikes. It is hard to stay on top of our thought life.
But yes, our minds must be engaged in this walk of ours.
Bless you!
Vickie, thank you so much for the encouragement on my post. I feel the same way as you ... not sure what direction to take. I feel like I'm doing NOTHING as I float around in this strange place.
I pray both of us will be splashing in refreshing waters soon!
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