Wednesday, April 6, 2011

With the right shoes on

That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God (with fuller, deeper and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition). Colossians 1:10

With the right shoes on you can go anywhere!  

This was the theme of our women's convention last weekend. It was such a glorious time, one of refreshing, renewal and a lot of Holy Spirit impartation. I thank God for the opportunity to be there and for removing all the challenges and hindrances that seemed to be in the way of my going. I realize over and over that whenever we do what's possible with us, God always does what He does best and that's the impossible. Left to do it on my own, I have little doubt that I would have made it to the convention, but God in His great mercy and faithfulness, provided all that I would need so I could be there to hear what He had for me.

We were encouraged by some wonderful women of God in many different ways, but all with the same thing in mind: Walk worthy of the calling you have received. 

Our pastor's wife exhorted us to put on our shoes of peace knowing that we have peace with God and we have the peace of God within us.
She also encouraged us to put on our shoes of praise because, "praise is the bridge that brings us to our dreams." Especially in the face of trying circumstances we should give thanks and praise, for this is His will concerning us. She then strongly impressed on us to put on our shoes of power since we have been given authority over evil. Everything we are contending with, we must do with a consciousness of victory. The victory is already ours through Christ Jesus. 

The next speaker highlighted the difficulty of walking in another persons shoes. She wore some size 12 boots on her size 7 feet. Though this was quite funny, the point was clearly made. Wear what fits you. Be yourself. It is better to be a first class version of yourself, than be a second class version of someone else. You stumble more often when you wear someone else's shoes. It's better to be the you God created. She talked about the many time she tried to fit into the shoes of another bible teacher. She tried to sound like them, she tried antics like them and failed dismally. God has created each of us unique, and even though we admire others, it's always best to be our authentic self.

Our hearts were challenged by yet another wonderful woman of God to step into new shoes. She told us it was time to put on our big girl shoes, take the risk or the plunge and do what we know God has called us to do. One of her key points was renewing our minds to what God says about us, so we can see ourselves as He sees us. It is only with His picture in our minds that we will step out.

Some of the bullet points of the convention:  

The journey of life requires different shoes for different situations.

One type of shoe for protection, another type gives more in the way of support and comfort, and still another type of shoe has more traction than others for those hard and difficult times.

Wearing the right shoes makes the journey more enjoyable.

Step Up, Step In and Step Over into what the Spirit has for you.

Keep moving, Keep walking

I was truly blessed and encouraged to step out into what I know God has called me to. I have to get moving. NOW!!!


Mari said...

It sounds like you had some wonderful messages there. Keep walking! I like it and I need to keep on too.

Yolanda said...


This was great and encouraging. Our church had a conference over this past weekend, but I wasn't able to attend due traveling home after being gone.

The theme of our conference was titled, "Stepping Out" and they used a Woman's heal as the back ground prop.

Thought how unique and just like God....having a theme.

Love to you!!!