Yet a time is coming and has now come, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. John 4:23 & 24
I love this word Jesus gave to the unsuspecting Samaritan woman. She still had the mindset of worshipping on the mountain as a Samaritan or for the Jews worshipping at Jerusalem, but Jesus wanted to let her know that a new day had come. Hallelujah!!
A new day has come. I walked about 15 minutes from home to a bus-stop this morning, and I spent that time worshipping and praising God. I am so glad that the day has come when I don't have to be in the church building, I don't have to be in a special chair in my home, I don't have to be in a particular service to worship God.
God's word is no longer written on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts/or spirits. Our spirits/hearts are with us wherever we go. What a privilege it is that we can wait in line somewhere, go out for a walk, go for a run, be on an exercise machine and all the while we can be in praise and worship.
What an absolute delight to connect with the Living God all day and all night.
Friends, take advantage of what Christ accomplished on Calvary. He tore down that middle wall of partition between man and God so we could come to the Father anytime.
God is looking around and He is seeking those who don't wait until its Sunday 9am or 11am to worship Him.
Thank You Jesus, that you now dwell in the hearts of men. Thank you Lord that you are right with me and in me, so I just give you praise even now, I worship You Lord for there is none like You, there is none equal to You, O Lord. I give You glory, praise and honor. In Jesus name. Amen
Have a happy WFW. For more you can visit today's hostess Christy.
Girl, YOU are so right...chruch doesn't always take place in a building! I just read the other day about a pastor who was given half a candy bar from a homeless man, he went on to say that he had never experienced the presence of Christ as real as he did in that COOL is that? Jesus surrounds us, everywhere! Wonderful words!
Thanks for sharing this WFW!
i always love coming to visit Vickie! thank you.
Wonderful post, Vickie. I love gathering with my church family each Sunday, but I also love to worship God outdoors in His creation. Thankful that veil was torn into.
PS - love the title of your blog.
What a great reminder, Vickie - great insights! ;)
So true... Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
This is special. I especially like chatting with Him when I walk, but I love that we can find God anywhere and everywhere.
Amen. Wonderful reminder.
Blessings to you dear one !
Great post! We are the church. And since God is omnipresent, we can worship, praise, and just talk to Him anytime, anywhere. That is so comforting. I am blessed by your words.
Vickie, this is such a great reminder. I love that verse. Oh, I love them all! You have such a special gift of teaching and exhortation. Thank you so much precious gal for using it to bless others!
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