Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WFW - By His Stripes

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

For about a year and a half now I have been having some terrible issues with my right ear. It first started off with my ear being stopped up right after I woke up in the mornings. It would stay like this for over two hours everyday. It was so frustrating and annoying, I had a lot of trouble hearing, everything seemed really dim. Trying to listen to the news or so before I left for work was a waste of time. Everything seemed so far away. The kids had to repeat themselves to me over and over, uggghhhh!!! Eventually my ear would kinda 'pop' and all would be fine. This went on for a long time but after it did the 'popping' I almost forgot how it was until the following morning again.

I realized that if I lay on my right side while sleeping that it would cause my ear to be stopped up so I started sleeping on my back. This helped a lot but since I loved sleeping on my right side I would eventually find myself in that position in the morning and there goes the problem all over again.

Now during these first months I really don't remember praying about it. I think I felt each day that it would probably just go away or I could control it if I learnt to sleep on my back. Big mistake. Pray about everything.

Then early this year the same ear started ringing and I mean ringing terribly. I would hear bells all day long. Sometimes I looked around to see if anyone else was hearing bells but it was just me. I did some research on the internet and saw something called 'tinnitus' that sounded like it could be what I was experiencing. I hadn't told anyone other than my family about this, but they didn't seem too concerned, and this thing was making me crazy. I thought of going to the doctor a couple times but never made the appointment, but I increased my times of prayer about it. I started speaking the word over it several times a day. I started to really believe God for complete and total healing from this thing.

While all this was going on, I took a class in bible school on healing and it really stirred my faith up to believe God for what I needed. The teacher made a comment about God using the doctors along with our faith in His word and that encouraged me to really go see if I could get a diagnosis. I saw the doctor and she said the first thing she would do was to clean my ear out. So I got the drops she prescribed and used them for a whole week before I saw her. In the meantime I am speaking the word and I am praying the prayer of faith fervently over my ear. Seems like it was getting worse. Now it's all day and all night. No relief whatsoever. Well I went back to the doctor and she pumped about 3 huge tubes of water in my ear. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. The room spun around and around and my ear felt horrible. She said, go home and hopefully in a day or so the pressure I felt would ease up and if there was any wax in there it would come out.

For two weeks or maybe more, my ear hurt so much. It felt congested or compressed, I don't know, but it was bad. The pain was something that I had not experienced before. Now it kept 'popping' all day but no relief. I could hear bells plus other sounds. My ear was worse than when I first went to the doctor, so I decided this was definitely one for the word. I asked my husband to pray for it and we got some oil and anointed it and we prayed. I got someone at church to pray for it and I kept praying daily for healing. I quoted the scriptures of healing over and over and over and over again.

I woke up one morning and my ear was normal. I said praise the Lord. Another morning and another morning and another morning and another morning and my ear was still normal. I said thank You Jesus. This has been about two months now and I believe my ear is completely healed. BY HIS WORD. I sleep on either side of my body and no problems. No popping and praise the Lord, no ringing.

This has been a long post, but I wrote all this to encourage anyone today who is sick and in need of healing. Christ bore our diseases in His body. Our healing was secured a long time ago and sickness has no right to stay in our bodies. The answer is in the word. Stay in God's word and believe that what He says He means. God's word is not a toy, It is spirit and it is life.

Just because healing doesn't happen right away doesn't mean we are supposed to live with sickness in our bodies. Health and wholeness is the right of every child of God.


 Rise and be healed, in Jesus name.

For more WFW visit today's hostess SUSAN.



Amydeanne said...

wow. God is so good isn't he? I could really relate to this Vicki b/c i've got ear issues that started last year myself. Thanks for posting!

Denise said...

Amen sweet sis, He is our faithful healer.

Mari said...

What a wonderful story of your healing. God is good!

Michele said...

This was a very good wfw post. God is good!!!


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I like your advice: pray about everything.

Susan said...

Praise God for this awesome testimony! It encouraged my faith today!

Thanks for joining us today at WFW♥

Wanda said...

Vickie, this is such a great testimony you shared. Often times I think we think some things are too small to bother God with.

Bear said...

Great testimony. Was not "too long". Enjoyed it much.

Yolanda said...

I love that we can take God at His Word. He is Faithful and He is Sovereign.

Love to you!

Runner Mom said...

Bless your heart! I feel your pain--been there and had the same procedure. Not pleasant, but having the hand of God healing it is amazing!

Loved your suggestion of the fruit of the spirit...great topic! I think I have about decided on faith, prayer and fasting using Mark 9. Hope that your Friday is wonderful!

Has your photo teacher had y'all put the camera on the manual setting yet? It's kind of a scary move, but the pics are amazing once you get the aperature correct. What kind of camera did you get?

Crown of Beauty said...

I loved every word of this post. The verse you quoted at the start is one verse that I have come to really love these past months. And with you confirming it, it is just something for me!

I have been asking God for physical healing for me all these years, but I somehow believe that this is the season that the prayer will be answered! Your post encouraged me so much.

I do love the posts over at your place that I get to read. So encouraging, so full of faith.

Thank you for encouraging my heart today, dear Vickie.


Michele Williams said...

Amen sister. He is our Healer and Comforter. Praise the Lord!
God bless

Terri Tiffany said...

Oh wow! I just went through two weeks with my ear plugged after I flew to Seattle. It was awful so I know how terrible it must have been for you! We must always be praying for everything! Glad you are well!

Nikki (Sarah) said...
