Wednesday, June 9, 2010

WFW - Pieces From Proverbs 4

5.Get wisdom! Get understanding! 

Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

6Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you;

Love her, and she will keep you.

7Wisdom is the principal thing;

Therefore get wisdom.

And in all your getting, get understanding.

8Exalt her, and she will promote you;

She will bring you honor, when you embrace her.

9She will place on your head an ornament of grace;

A crown of glory she will deliver to you."

Proverbs 4:5-9

In all your getting, get understanding. 

I don't know if it could be any clearer or plainer. We are encouraged today in this piece from the proverbs not to neglect getting wisdom, not to neglect getting understanding.

Look at the benefits of getting the wisdom of  God: promotion and honor just to name a few and a crown of glory she will deliver to you. 

I just want to simply reinforce what I've said the last couple of days. Let us get back to the word of God and do what it says. This word is spirit and it is life. Wherever you are in life today, whatever is lacking, find the answer in the Word. Whatever decisions you face today seek the wisdom of God and you will have the peace of God in all you do.

Have a blessed WFW.
To find more post visit the home of WFW at the Internet Cafe.



Yolanda said...


AMEN! God's word is life, and power, and freedom, and it is living and breathing. DIRECTION!

With love,

Denise said...

Amen, well said.

Terri Tiffany said...

Amen Vicki!!!

From the Heart said...

Thanks for visiting my WFW. I agree with the others, your verses have a lot of meaning. God's word is our roadmap to Heaven and I don't won't to miss that. He has done so much for me and I look forward to the day I can stand face to face with the Father and thank Him for all he has done.
Blessings, AliceE.

Amydeanne said...

I think you expressed it so well Vickie!
happy WFW!

Angie said...

Vicki I so agree, so many times people ask "what do I do?" and seek others advice but never God's. Thank you for the reminder to seek God first in all we do. Thank you for stopping by!

Cathy said...

Beautiful Words, thank you ~

Carla Gade said...

Thank you for emphasizing that: in all your getting, get understanding.

God's Word does have the answers to life in his infinite wisdom.

Blessings to you today, Vickie!

sanjeet said...

God's word is life, and power, and freedom, and it is living and breathing.
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Anonymous said...

Great Word. Oh, how I love God's wisdom. It is like wearing night goggles in the midst of total darkness--actually, even brighter and clearer than what we see through those goggles, but so needed especially in these times.

Thank you for visiting. I look forward to reading more of your blog.